Associate Administrator
Haoliang Xu
Associate Administrator
United Nations Development Program

Welcome to the 2023 UNDP Funding Windows Annual Report

In line with the UN Secretary-General’s Funding Compact, the Funding Windows are UNDP’s primary vehicle for flexible thematic non-core funding, an important complement to core contributions. These resources allow UNDP to remain agile while advancing sustainable development gains in an ever-changing global context.
As we reach the midpoint of the UNDP Strategic Plan for 2022–2025, we stand at a crucial juncture to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2023, amidst escalating conflicts and crises, increasing climate change impacts, widening inequalities and growing social tensions, the UNDP Funding Windows provided countries around the world with critical support to address these intersectional development challenges and drive transformational change. The results and stories in this report showcase our impact on the ground and the valuable lessons we have learned.
Together with our partners, the Funding Windows delivered over US$112 million in 2023 to tackle multidimensional poverty, promote gender equality and women’s empowerment, strengthen accountable and inclusive governance, and build resilience to crises and climate change in 119 countries and territories. Of these resources, 35 percent was invested in fragile contexts and 30 percent in least developed countries (LDCs). Digitalization and innovative solutions were leveraged using pooled resources to amplify impact in over 30 countries, working hand in hand with 22 UN organizations, as well as programme country governments, civil society, the private sector, academia, international financial institutions and other partners.
Our endeavours could not have been achieved without the timely support and collaborative action from government partners comprising the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden and the United Kingdom. We highly value the engagement of all Advisory Group members and partners. They are strong advocates of the strategic value of the UNDP Funding Windows to achieve impact as envisioned in the Strategic Plan. We look forward to jointly raising the ambition of the Funding Windows as we continue to support developing countries to achieve their national development objectives and the SDGs.

UNDP multi-donor thematic funds support dynamic and integrated development solutions to meet emerging needs worldwide

© UNDP / Mexico

2023 in review

$112 million delivered1

16% increase from 2022

12 contributing partners

6% increase in contributions from 2022

119 countries and territories used resources

Fragile Contexts2


Least Developed Countries (LDCs)

Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Every $1 invested in pooled resources mobilized an  additional $4.5

93% of pooled resources spent on GEN2 and GEN33 projects

While Funding Windows (FWs) resources were allocated to 119 countries and territories in 2023, this report focuses primarily on the 45 countries and territories and 2 regional offices that were required to report in 2023 on the use of pooled funds4

Leaving No One Behind
Focusing on the people most at risk

In 2023, Funding Windows pooled contributions benefited:
of projects
183,700 +
of projects
329,900 +
people affected by armed conflict and violence
of projects
229,400 +
people affected by disasters
of projects
204,700 +
people living in multidimensional poverty
of projects
internally displaced people, refugees or migrants
of projects
people from minority groups (e.g., ethnicity, language, religion, etc.)
of projects
unemployed people
of projects
people with disabilities
of projects

Funding Windows support delivering on UNDP’s development promise

In a year marked by complex global challenges, the Funding Windows remained a pivotal mechanism to achieve UNDP’s development promise. As a multi-donor thematic funding vehicle linked to the UNDP Strategic Plan (2022–2025), the Funding Windows maximized opportunities to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strategic priorities across the six signature solutions, leveraging the three development enablers.
Being the second-best funding option after core funding, the Funding Windows contributed to three directions of change outlined in UNDP Strategic Plan. It did so by supporting green and inclusive transitions, fostering access to services and livelihood opportunities towards leaving no one behind, and building resilience to address systemic risks and crises, particularly in fragile contexts, all while utilizing technologies and innovation to drive systemic change.

Poverty and Inequality

Signature solution
Poverty and inequality

Governance, Peacebuilding, Crisis and Resilience

Signature solutions
Governance & Resilience

Nature, Climate and Energy

Signature solutions
Environment & Energy

Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Signature solution
Gender equality

The value of the
Funding Windows

Crucial for advancing UNDP strategic objectives, the Funding Windows facilitated the design, implementation and scaling up of  impactful interventions, demonstrating their value in enabling flexibility and agility when addressing emerging challenges in complex environments, ensuring the coherence of UNDP efforts by complementing core resources to amplify reach, catalysing additional investments for impact at scale, and fostering strategic partnerships at the global, regional, national and local levels.

Out of 47 countries and regional offices reporting on pooled resources in 2023:

reported FWs made it possible to form new non-UN partnerships
reported FWs facilitated speed to address emerging and complex issues
reported FWs facilitated partnerships with other UN organizations
reported FWs enabled strategic positioning
reported FWs provided catalytic investment

© UNDP / Kosovo

The Funding Windows enabled UNDP Country Offices to work closely with 22 UN agencies, funds and programmes, bolstering integrated action within the UN system

Empowering Communities throughSustainable Date Palm Cultivation

Explore stories across the windows

Lessons on information integrity
Breaking the cycle of poverty for women and their communities
Water unites communities
A New Lens on Poverty: Why Community Stories Matter

UNDP thanks the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom for their engagement and generous support.

Flag of Denmark

Reports from past years

Peruse our library of ever-evolving annual reports.  

$112 million delivered

16% increase from 2022

12 contributing

6% increase from 2022

119 countries used resources


countries & contexts affected by crisis and fragility


Least Developed Countries (LDCs)


Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
While Funding Windows resources were allocated to119 countries in 2023, this report focuses primarily on the45 countries and territories and two regional offices thatwere required to report in 2023 on the use of pooled funds3.